Mother’s Day…Remembering Margaret DeVaul
I apologize for the lack of blog posts these past months. On February 8, 2016 my mother, Margaret DeVaul passed away at 86 years young. She was the past President of DeVaul Insurance Agency. My heart has been aching…I truly miss her every day.
My Mother taught me the business. She taught me that doing the right thing for both the company and the customer is the only way to do business. She was strong. She was smart. Although my father, Homer DeVaul, was much more outgoing, she was the backbone to the technical issues. They were a great team together and perfect role models for me to learn how to run a business.
My Mother ALWAYS had a hot meal on the table when I was growing up even though she worked full time at the agency. I had 3 siblings and she made working and raising a family look easy! My laundry was always done. I know how hard that is considering I have raised 3 boys and worked full time. Not an easy task yet the most fulfilling task in my life. She taught me how to be a good Mom.
She had heartache in her life when my sister passed away at the age of 15. I’m not sure (and I definitely understand) that she ever got over it. What DID bring joy to her life were her grandchildren – she loved them all. She was a tough cookie – everyone knew not to take it “to heart” if she yelled at you. It meant she loved you even more!
So…my advice to all of you on this upcoming Mother’s Day….please enjoy and embrace every day with your Mother. Hugs go a long way…My plan this Mother’s Day is to smile at the memories of my Mother and cherish all of the love and advice I learned from her. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you.
Tags: agency, hard worker, insurance, love, mom, mother's day