May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month!
Spring is in the air…let’s share the road!! Once the weather in Ohio breaks, I have told my family “Watch out for the motorcycles – they are out!” They have the same rights as other vehicles yet they are harder to see. Keep your distance – do not crowd them They need more space to maneuver in the event of an emergency or sudden stop.
A great tip for the motorcyclists to be safe is to make yourself visible – wear bright clothing. Wear a helmet. It can save lives.
I must admit that I truly envy the freedom that the motorcyclists love and cherish – I am just one that has the fear of the other drivers on the road. I am hoping that if we all just “share the road” and become more aware of our surroundings then we will all be safe!
Tags: helmet, insurance, kent, motorcycles, safety, share the road