Happy 2014 and…Thank You!
Wow…it is hard to believe that 2013 is over. It was both a joyous year and a sad year for my family so I have mixed emotions about the New Year. After having lost my wonderful father, Homer DeVaul, and a few “bumps in the road” with health issues..I thought – what a bummer of a year. But then again I had many WONDERFUL things happen to be thankful for.
First off – thank you for your business. You are what makes our agency want to do better. Please never hesitate to call, stop in or e-mail us with any suggestions that we can do to make your life easier. We are here to serve you. We want to make sure that in the event of a claim – whether it be on your home, auto, commercial business or..sadly, your life insurance needs that we can make it easy for you. In this crazy world of technology, busy lives and working – anything we can do for you to make things easier would be a wonderful thing.
Second, our youngest son Ryan graduated from The Ohio State University, our oldest son Justin passed the Ohio bar exam and…our middle son Jordan joined the agency! So yes, I had a wonderful 2013.
I am making a goal to add more informational blogs once/twice a month. I do not want to blog just to blog. Please feel free to send me topics you would want to read about.
Happy 2014 to you all…and again, thank you for your business!!